In 2009 it was reported that 8.9% of 10th grade students had abused Vicodin within their lifetime.

2.9% high school students admitted to abusing sedatives within the past 30 days of the interview.

Alcohol kills more than 60% more of teenagers then all other illicit drugs combined.

1.5% of the high school student population abuses inhalants every year.

55% of high school students reported that they know where to illegally obtain amphetamines, another illicit drug commonly abused.

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Teen Drug Rehab Success Rates

What are teen drug rehab success rates? While typical drug rehabs report a success rate of 2%-20%, there are treatment programs available with success rates exceeding 70%. However, the success rate of various programs is a difficult thing to measure. Outcome studies seem to indicate a teen's success will be determined primarily by their willingness to incorporate new concepts and ideas into their lives. When a teen enrolls into a teen drug rehab, they are entering into a program that will help them with all aspects of recovery. 

Drug rehabs in the past were considered terrifying, insensitive, and brutal. Their teen drug rehab success rates were not high and their locations did not really serve as a motivational force. Today however, teen drug rehabs enjoy a fairly positive reputation, evident in the abundance of teen drug rehabs with high success rates. Recent teen drug rehab success stories portray these centers in a new light.

Today, teen drug rehabs not only help in detoxification and abstinence but they now also provide wellness activities such as yoga classes, indoor and outdoor sports, meditation periods, spa treatments, and even creative courses such as writing and painting. These new teen drug rehabs provide a total mind and body approach to recovery. Many teen drug rehab centers are now situated in stress, noise, and anxiety-free locations such as the countryside or relatively more quiet urban areas.

Teen drug rehab success rates that are far above others in their field are the only ones worth considering when looking for a drug rehab program. Their treatment is far superior to others whose graduates are unable to remain sober once they leave their program. Graduates of a successful teen drug rehab program have a different outlook toward life and the role they play in it. Ideally, a drug rehab not only helps the individual with their problems pertaining to drugs or alcohol, but also addresses the underlying issues that lead to their addiction in the first place.

Nearly all addicted individuals believe they can stop using drugs on their own in the beginning, and most try to stop without the help of drug addiction rehabilitation. However, most of these attempts result in failure to achieve long-term abstinence. Research has shown that long-term drug addiction causes significant changes in brain function that persist long after the individual stops using drugs. These drug-induced changes in brain function may have many behavioral consequences. These consequences include the compulsion to use drugs despite adverse cost to the individual, which is a defining characteristic of addiction.

It is important to be well informed in order to choose the right teen drug rehab. Each program is unique in its approach to recovery as well as their philosophies, treatment methods, setting, length of care, and cost. Take note of what is important to you and make decisions based on your personal necessities. The facility you choose should have high teen drug rehab success rates and a competent staff.

Currently, one type of rehab is showing higher teen drug rehab success rates than many others. This particular type of drug rehabilitation offers treatment that is not psychiatric or medical. For many, this may be the answer to lasting sobriety. Those who have tried other forms of treatment may find that this social education model of recovery is the key to their success in recovering from drug or alcohol addiction.

Social education types of drug rehabs are entirely drug-free. The program does not use drugs or medications to solve the problem of drug addiction. This method uses nutrition, nutritional supplements, exercise, and education as key components of their services. Also, treatment provides a specific course of addiction rehabilitation which includes training in communication, full body detoxification, counseling in problem identification and solving, as well as counseling in personal values and integrity.

A rehab program of this kind will help your teen accomplish heightened moral standards and sobriety with an improved quality of life. Programs with high teen drug rehab success rates do more than just admit addicts for treatment. They work with the person on many levels to help them find out why they became addicted to drugs or alcohol. They also help recovering addicts make a plan for how they will remain sober once they have left rehab.

Teen Lives Horror Of Drug Use
Lea was a freshman at Quince Orchard High School in Gaithersburg in 2009. In many ways, the popular honors student was a typical teenager.
Teen Marijuana Use Rising After Years Of Decline
About 6 percent of high school seniors reported smoking marijuana daily in the new survey, which involved more than 46,000 teens in the eighth, 10th and 12th grades. That's up from 2 percent in 1991 and the same percentage that smoked daily in 1981.
Parenting Style Plays Key Role In Teen Drinking
For teenagers, friends play a big role in the decision to take that first drink. And by the 12th grade, more than 65 percent of teens have at least experimented with alcohol. But what parents do during the high school years can also influence whether teens go on to binge drink or abuse alcohol.
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